// page is a work in progress

Meet the current team.

If you’d like to apply for any of the roles below, send me an email:
contact at randy dot gg

here’s a list of open positions…

Engine Brogrammer

I’m always looking for new programmers who actually know what they’re doing and can thrive in a Jai environment.

Which of course means being able to write great object-oriented class hierarchies using CLEAN code and DRY principles. RAII is also highly useful and we must ensure we’re not bucketing any of our allocations whatsoever for maximum flexibility and lots of memory leaks.
If you agree with this then please do not apply.

Specifically, I’m looking for an engine programmer. Someone to handle all the tech so I can focus on the gameplay and making more content within the existing systems. Some examples of upcoming things // todo: on the tech front…

  • CJK support / internationalisation / localisation
  • better font rendering
  • adding text boxes to my custom Ryan Fleury-esque immediate mode UI module
  • controller support (via Jai’s Gamepad module)
  • better renderer abstraction (either through just using Sokol, or a custom API to swap in other backends for different platform targets)

If you reckon that’s in your wheelhouse, I’d love to hear from you.

Music / Sound Designer Homie

Let’s spin up a DAW and crank out a sick OST together.

I’ve been doing all the sound design by myself so far and have been thoroughly enjoying it. I do it all in REAPER by kitbashing stuff together. I’m yet to attempt anything on the music front (aside from learning the basics), but I’d really love to learn (I’ve got a copy of Abelton Live Lite raring to go).

I’m using FMOD for actually getting the audio into the game and would really like to pull out all the stops when it comes to creating beautiful soundscapes that evolve over time within the game events. I’ve had a bit of success with snapshots in this regard.

Ideally you’ve got experience making music for games and formating it to work with the procedural nature of things. If not though, we can always learn it as we go.

If you’re down to work with me on this and essentially be a mentor for me in this domain, I’d be very grateful!

btw here’s a playlist mood board I’ve been prepping for a while now to give you a tase of some of the vibes I’d like to hit.